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Thomas Kalinowski

Thomas Kalinowski cuadrada

Ewha Womans University (South Korea)


Thomas Kalinowski is a professor of political science at the Graduate School of International Studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea. He received his doctoral degree in political science at the Free University of Berlin in 2004. At Ewha he teaches Global Political Economy, International Organizations, International Environmental Governance, Sustainable Development, and Development Cooperation. Recent publications include Works on the political economy of financial crisis and crisis management, sustainable governance, the political economy of climate change, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), sustainable governance, the diversity of capitalism and the transformation of the East Asian developmental state. His latest book “Why International Cooperation is Failing: How the Clash of Capitalisms Undermines the Regulation of Finance” has been published as a paperback by Oxford University Press in 2022. His latest article on the “Green Climate Fund and Private Climate Finance” has just been published in Climate Policy.

Background and education

  • (2004) PhD, Freie Universitaet Berlin


Research interests

  • International Political Economy
  • Sustainable Development
  • Climate Finance
  • Green Industrial Policies
  • Green Climate Fund

Research projects

  • Green Industrial Policies in South Korea and China

  • Private Sector Climate Finance and the Green Climate Fund

Selected publications

  • Pauls, Robert; Kalinowski, Thomas

    2024.National Growth Models and Global Capitalism: a Critique of Comparative Political Economy.Asian International Studies Review,2024 (2)Link
  • Kalinowski, Thomas.2024.The Green Climate Fund and private sector climate finance in the Global South.Climate Policy,2024(3)LinkLogo open access
  • Kalinowski, Thomas.2022.Why International Cooperation is Failing: How the Clash of Capitalisms Undermines the Regulation of Finance.Oxford University Press, Paperback, ISBN: 9780192871442.Link
  • Kalinowski, Thomas.2021.The politics of climate change in a neo-developmental state. The case of South Korea.International Political Science Review,42 (1)Link