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Research Cluster Talk | 'We will stop these fascists with rights!': Feminist democratic responses to anti-gender opposition in parliament

Thursday December 12, 2024, from 12:00 to 13:00
Room 24.120 (First Floor). Mercè Rodoreda 24 Building. IBEI
Research seminar

Paloma Caravantes González (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Free access. Registration is required.

The talk will explore feminist institutional responses to far-right active opposition against gender/LGBTI/race equality, using a comparison between the Spanish parliament (2019-2023) and the Catalan parliament (2021-2024). It will highlight how feminist actors deploy framings of fascism and antifascism to address and navigate the challenges posed by anti-gender opposition within these democratic settings. This research results from two projects: DEMOC (Ref. EXI077/21/000001, The Gender Division in the Agenda of the Catalan Parliament) and CCINDLE (Ref 101061256, Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe).

Paloma Caravantes is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science and Administration of Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), with the project Local Democratic Governance towards Equality (LODGE, ref. 101067130). In 2019, she received her PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA) and, in 2022, she joined the Gender and Politics Group (GEYPO) at Complutense University of Madrid with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. She has participated in multiple research projects, including ‘Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe’ (CCINDLE; Ref: 101061256), ‘Towards the implementation of the ‘Human rights, gender and intersectionality’ approach in Madrid municipal policies’ (IMPLEMAD; Ref. 2018-548-042), and ‘The Gender Division in the Agenda of the Catalan Parliament’ (DEMOC; Ref. EXI077/21/000001). She is a member of the Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). She has published in Policy & Politics, Politics & Gender, International Political Science Review, NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender ResearchCritical Discourse Studies and Journal of Contemporary European StudiesHer current research explores feminist democratization at the local level and the implementation of intersectionality and gender equality approaches in public policies.

Event organised by IBEI's Research cluster on "Intersectionality, Power & Politics"