Anna Maria Palau Roque

Associate Professor, UB
Contact data
Anna M. Palau is associate professor in the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science at the University of Barcelona. She finished her post-graduate studies at the University of Essex (UK) where she got an MA in Politics (with distinction) and received her PhD from the University of Barcelona. She has been research student at the University of Washington (USA) and Sciences Po (Bordeaux), and has participated in different research projects financed and recognized by national and European institutions. Her research focuses on the analysis of policy dynamics and agenda setting, and on parties' parliamentary behaviour. At present, the analysis of the European Union as agenda setter and its relationship with other levels of government is one of her main research interests. Her research has been published in European Union Politics, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Journal of Public Policy and Journal of Legislative Studies among others
Background and education
- (2008) Doctoral Thesis in Political Science (Qualification: Excellent Cum Laude), Universitat de Barcelona.
- (2005) M.A. in Politics (with distinction), University of Essex.
- (2004) M.A. in Local Government, Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS) and Diputació de Barcelona.
- (2003) Diploma of Advanced Studies (Diploma d’Estudis Avançats), Universitat de Barcelona.
- (2001) B.A. in Political Science and Public Administration (Extraordinary Award, Premi Extraordinari de Llicenciatura), Universitat de Barcelona.
2001. (Extraordinary Award, Premi Extraordinari de Llicenciatura). B.A. in Political Science and Public Administration.
2004. Mention of Distinction, M.A. in Politics University of Essex.
Professional memberships & affiliations
- Council of European Studies
Research interests
- Public Policy
- Agenda setting
- Europeanization
- Parliamentary Behaviour
- Media studies
Selected publications
- 2017.A matter of conflict: how EU events and parties shape the news coverage of EU affairs.European Union Politics,(accepted for publication, forthcoming March 2017)
- 2015.Government-Opposition Dynamics in Spain under the Pressure of Economic Collapse and Debt Crisis.In: De Giorgi, E. and Moury, C. (eds.).Government–Opposition Dynamics in Southern European Countries during the Economic Crisis. Great Recession, Great Cooperation?.Abingdon:Routledge.
- 2015.Government-Opposition Dynamics in Spain under the Pressure of Economic Collapse and the Debt Crisis.Journal of Legislative Studies,21(1):75-95
- 2015.Agenda Dynamics in Spain.Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2013.El impacto de la Unión Europea en la agenda legislativa estatal y autonómica (1986-2007).Revista de Estudios Políticos,160 (abril/junio):69-102
- 2013.The impact of media coverage of corruption on Spanish Public Opinion (1996-2009).Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas,144:97-125
- 2012.The Europeanization of law-making activity in Spain.In: S. Brouard, O. Costa, and T. Köning (eds.).The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures: The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries.New York:Springer,pp: 173-196.
- 2011.Assessing the Responsiveness of Spanish Policymakers to the Priorities of their Citizens.West European Politics,34 (4):706-730
- 2011.Comparing law-making activities in a quasi-federal system of government. The case of Spain.Comparative Political Studies,44 (8):1089-1119
- 2009.The dynamics of policy change: a comparative analysis of the food safety and pharmaceutical policy in Spain.Journal of Public Policy,29(1):103-126
“Party Competition and Political Representation in Crisis: A comparative perspective”, European University Institute, Florence (Italy), 24-25 September, 2015
“Policy Making in Hard Times: Southern European Countries in a Comparative Perspective”, Fundación Juan March-Instituto Carlos III, Madrid (Spain), 20-21 November 2014
“Protest and CAP Media Project”, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona (Spain), 23 and 24 January 2014
“The Europeanization of domestic legislatures”, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Research Sessions, Florence (Italy), 20-22 June 2012
“Agenda setting and the Media”, Paris (France), Science Po, 30 May 2011
“Measuring the Europeanization of Public Policies Beyond the 80% Myth”, Social Science Research Center (WZB), Berlin (Germany), 27-28 February 2009
”The Delors’Myth Project”, Bordeaux (France), 13-14 November 2008
“Morality Politics”, Aahrus (Denmark), 4-5 December 2008
“The Sustainability of the European Welfare Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Fundación Caja Madrid, Madrid (Spain), 4 April 2004